How To Talk To Climate Change Deniers

I was at a dinner the other day lecturing people about my favourite subject, climate change, and how they have to change their lifestyle now or we will all be doomed..
At this dinner I was asked a few questions by a climate change denier...
And I thought I would give people an idea of questions and answers when you are dealing with these cretins who are obviously all funded by big oil.
Climate Change Denier:How much of the 1 degree C since 1880 is caused by human emissions of CO2
Climate Change Activist:I dont know or care, we have to save the planet by altering our output of CO2/fossil fuels etc.
Climate Change Denier:So, you dont own a car and are off the grid regarding electricity then.?
Climate Change Activist:How do you think I arrived today man..?Of course I own a car, and we cannot afford to buy the solar panels..but we all must do save the planet.I just feel less people should own cars and more people should use solar.!!
Climate Change Denier:Do you think the money spent of CO2 trading..which is just mostly raising the price of basic commodities and moving bits of paper around, could be better spent on technology and helping people.176 Billion dollars is the latest figure which has had no benefit for the environment and loads of benefits for  bankers and govt staff and NGO organisations, here is the figure.
Climate Change Activist:I have not read that report, you cannot trust everything on the internet..
Climate Change Denier: What about the 287 billion found to have been wasted by the EU source here.
Climate Change Activist:(The best tactic for this sort of ATTACK by the oil shill  is to talk louder and to wave my hands..and to change the subject).
Climate Change Denier:What about the fraud element.source here
Climate Change Activist:Dont you care about what 99% of the scientists say.?
Climate Change Denier:The figure is fantasy and an argument from authority is a logical fallacy.
Climate Change Activist:Logical what..?,,anyway..didnt you watch Al Gores film which had the Hockey stick which showed the temp rising at the end..?
Climate Change Denier:Yes..But that was shredded ages ago,,it was statistical hocus pocus..see link here..thats why its not used games on youtube for easy access here..and you can throw out Mann`s work pre 1600 according to NAS here...and here
Climate Change Activist:Big Oil has been spending millions fighting global warming..if you take their money your views are worthless..
Climate Change Denier:Actually..bigoil etc helped the worldwildlife fund and other groups with millions over the
Climate Change Activist:(wave hands and start talking louder at this point and change the subject)..Okay..what about the latest peer reviewed study in Australia which showed global warming is real..
Climate Change Denier:The one one that cost $300,000.00 tax payer dollars and was pulled in 3 weeks..Here...amd was shredded by blogger here..and the paper was pulled here..
Climate Change Activist:Thats the site being run by a paid for big oil advocacy group is it...
Climate Change Denier:You mean like the "attack" web site Real Climate...created by the astroturf PR agency Fenton its a retired mining guy who is really good at statistics and was used as a reviewer by the IPCC
Climate Change Activist:There is no point talking to you since you just attack me and obviously dont care about the planet..

See how I blitzed this guy.. :)
He didnt stand a chance.. a few years..we will pass bills and laws to stop people like this person from asking questions about climate change and we possibly could get some form of "re-education" camps or training for these fools.
And dont forget..always abuse anyone who asks you questions..speak louder..dont listen and wave your hands and talk over the top of them..we KNOW we are right and everyone else is a liar and a shill for big tobacco and big oil.

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