Dog Poo to save the planet

We thought this grant to use dog poo to save the world was a piss take on the greenies.
Nope..good money has been given to some airheads to use dog poo to "save the planet".
Really funny stuff..except for giving this bubble head our money but what the feels like your doing something..and that is all that counts.

$45,000 grant to Poo Power!

Posted Tuesday 12th June 2012, 10:00am
This project was instigated by Duncan Chew and driven by his passion for dogs, reducing waste and climate change. “One day a couple of years back I watching people at parks readily collect their dog’s poo in plastic bags only to send it to landfill and wanted to discover if a better use for the waste existed, I truly believe that this is a great solution.” Duncan Chew, Project and Science Engagement Manager for the Poo Power! Project.

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